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Anytime, Anywhere
PC, Mobile, and Steam!






1. Keyboard 

1. Movement WASD + Attack Key
2. Movement Direction Key + Attack Key
3. Movement WASD + Mouse

4. Menu (Same for all 3 Control Settings)

2. Gamepad

1. Gamepad

3. Mobile

1. Mobile


There are three basic preset control schemes when using a keyboard, and one for a controller. You are able to freely customize them in the Settings at any time.
You can select the gamepad control scheme once a controller has been connected to your device.



Movement WASD + Attack Key


Input Explanation
W, A, S, D Move your Knights Up, Left, Down, Right
1~5 Switch between your Knights of Veda registered in slots 1-5.
J Launch a normal attack by short pressing, initiate a Strong Attack by holding the input longer.
K Uses the Knight's Power (Normal Skill).
L Uses the Knight's Signature skill.
Space Dodge an incoming attack with a short press, or sprint by holding down the input button.
I When the Power of the Stars is fully accumulated, you can activate the 'Overflowing Power of the Stars'.
F Allows you to pick up food in a stage, or interact with objects like 'Veda's Return'.




 ※ These inputs are based on the Movement WASD + Attack Key option, and can be changed to any key.


 ※ Character slot 5 is available in certain situations only.

Movement Direction Key + Attack Key

Input Explanation
Up, Down
Left, Right
Arrow Key
Allows the character to move around the screen
1~5 Switch between your Knights of Veda registered in slots 1-5.
A Launch a normal attack by short pressing, initiate a Strong Attack by holding the input longer.
S Uses the Knight's Power (Normal Skill).
D Uses the Knight's Signature skill.
Space Dodge an incoming attack with a short press, or sprint by holding down the input button.
W When the Power of the Stars is fully accumulated, you can activate the 'Overflowing Power of the Stars'.
F Allows you to pick up food in a stage, or interact with objects like 'Veda's Return'.
V Activate/Deactivate Auto Battle



※ These inputs are based on the Movement Direction Key + Attack Key option, and can be changed to any key.

 ※ Character slot 5 is available in certain situations only.


Movement WASD + Mouse Attack

Input Explanation
W, A, S, D Move your Knights Up, Left, Down, Right
1~5 Switch between your Knights of Veda registered in slots 1-5.
Left Click Launch a normal attack by short pressing, initiate a Strong Attack by holding the input longer.
E Uses the Knight's Power (Normal Skill).
Q Uses the Knight's Signature skill.
Right Click Dodge an incoming attack with a short press, or sprint by holding down the input button.
R When the Power of the Stars is fully accumulated, you can activate the 'Overflowing Power of the Stars'.
F Allows you to pick up food in a stage, or interact with objects like 'Veda's Return
V Activate/Deactivate Auto Battle


※ These inputs are based on the Movement WASD Key + Mouse Attack option, and can be changed to any key.


 ※ Character slot 5 is available in certain situations only.


Menu - Default shortcut keys for the Menu are as follows.



Input Explanation
F1 Guidance of the Book (In-game Events)
F2 Adventure Guide (Shows you what stages you can earn certain rewards on)
F3 Call of the Stars (Allows you to summon Knights and weapons)
F4 Store (Where you can buy packages and premium currency as well as exchange Memories of the Stars/Abyss of the Stars etc.)
Y View User in the Village (Allows you to see other Masters of the Book's profiles)
O Missions (Where you can check your available missions)
P Friends (Pulls up your friends list)
Enter Chat Screen (Pulls up the chat screen)
X Select Food (Pulls up the Dishes menu so you can choose from food that you've cooked to buff your characters before a stage)
C Book (Where you can check your Knights' stats, enhance your Knights, weapons, accessories, tunics, skills, etc)
B Inventory (Pulls up your inventory so you can see what loot you've acquired on your adventures)
N Enter Nightmare (Brings you to Veda's Nightmare realm)
M World Map (Pulls up the map to help you navigate around Planis)


This setting will only show up if you have a gamepad connected to your PC.


*The images in this guide were captured from a test version and may change with future updates.




Mobile controls as are follows:




# Explanation
1 Area to move your Knights around
2 Turn Auto Battle On/Off
3 Pause the game, access settings or exit the stage
4 Switch Knights.
5 Uses the Knight's Signature skill, uses Knight's Power, Basic Attack and Evade
6 When the Power of the Stars is fully accumulated, you can activate the 'Overflowing Power of the Stars'.
7 Allows you to pick up food in a stage, or interact with objects like 'Veda's Return'.