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Development Team’s Responses to Your 01/23 Update Comments and Questions


Masters of the Book,

This is Kim Young-mo, the director of ASTRA: Knights of Veda. The development team is here to answer the feedback and questions you, our Masters of the Book, have shared.

1. One of the announced upcoming features is the Mythic Promotion from 5★ to 6★, will the requirements to do so be the same as with those from 4★ to 5★? 

As we have mentioned, instead of relying on the Call of the Stars feature for Mythic Promotion, our plans have it involve a dedicated quest where you would need to conduct missions on certain content and the collection of quest items from the Abyss.

2. One of the other things mentioned during the broadcast was a “Hero Balance Patch,” would the adjustments be made through Mythic Promotion? Could you share more details about it?

Our goal with the adjustments to each Knight’s Mythic Promotion is to not just enhance their base stats but to also strengthen their “uniqueness” within the roster of Knights. 

For example, with a 6★ Xanthia, Boss Monsters will now also be affected by the gravitational pull of her Signature Skill, making her more desirable to use on PvE content like Nightmare of the Abyss.

A couple of Knights underperforming on their respective roles will also be adjusted, alongside the Knights on our Standard 5★ roster, on the 02/27 Update.

3. I missed a couple of Mascots! Will it ever be possible to obtain any of them through reruns or sales?

Starting on the 12/27 Update, the Mascot “Treasure Keeper” will be available for purchase in the Guild Shop.

The rest of the Mascots, will be brought back through any of the stores or through in-game events. If you have missed out on any of the Mascots, rest assured that they will be made available again eventually.

4. Although matchmaking has been added to Nightmare of the Abyss, making Co-Op play easier, the content’s actual difficulty remains very high. While this is as expected, the difficulty gap between modes of play shouldn't be significant.


Nightmare of the Abyss is a content designed for end-game item farming.

From my own experience, I initially struggled at Abyssal Levels 4 and 5 when attempting to play Solo with Aslan, Bikki, Violet, and Anais. However, after a few runs and gradually equipping and upgrading the Goddess Armor I was able to obtain, I was eventually able to clear up to Stage 20. 

However, we understand that Goddess’ Armor, and by extension Nightmare of the Abyss, plays a crucial role in the item progression system of the game. Rest assured that we will seriously discuss any potential adjustments to the contents’ difficulty.

5. Amor has been dominant in PvP since her release – even winning 1v4 battles. As a Tank, she is very durable, but her strength creates an imbalance with other Knights in similar roles. Are there any plans for adjustments?

The effects of Amor’s Signature Skill allows her to counter burst damage from her opponents, especially in PvP. However, this advantage wears off when battling with opponents who rely on doing fast, constant, but low damage attacks. Her Signature Skill’s effects also do not apply on DoT Damage.

Since Amor is a newly released Knight, we’re still monitoring her performance on both PvE and PvP and will do adjustments if necessary.

6. Relic Farming is becoming a bit tedious, what with the amount of Relics that needs to be check then manually enhancing them to check their sub-stats. Are there any plans to improve the convenience of Relic Farming?

We have been discussing ways to allow users to filter and farm Relic Options/Stats. However, due to the vast variety of sub-stats, slots, and values to consider, finding a solution without any unintended side effects is taking more time than usual.

However, on the 02/27 Update we will introduce a new QoL feature that allows relics to be upgraded through one-click enhancement at each growth stage. 

7. Aslan is no longer available, but his strength means that he is still essential in newly introduced content. Are there any plans to bring back the Season 2 Knights of Veda?

Season 2 Reruns will be done sequentially. Case in point, on the 02/27 Update, Aslan will be the first Season 2 Knight of Veda to return.

8. When Promoting Yanko from 4★ to 5★, his Skill Cooldown effect and stats seem to have disappeared. Why was this changed without prior notice?

Yanko’s Skill Cooldown Reduction effect is actually obtained from achieving Fate Level 7. However, due to a UI issue, this effect was not shown in the description.

On the 02/27 Update, we will fix this issue so that the correct values are displayed properly.

9. After promoting a Knight from 4★ to 5★, the number of Abyss of the Stars fragments obtained from Call of the Stars (or duplicates) seems to have decreased. It feels like a loss despite the promotion. Why is this happening?

This is a reasonable concern following the implementation of the 4★ to 5★ Promotion system.

The amount of Abyss of the Stars fragments given summoning duplicates of a Knight of Veda follow these rules:
- If the Knight in questions’ Fate level is not yet maxed out, the Knight of Veda is obtained alongside Abyss of the Stars x2.
- If the Knight in questions’ Fate level has already been maxed out, you will obtain Abyss of the Stars x5.

Before the 01/23 Update, any 4★ Knight of Veda with maxed out Fate levels have reached the end of progression, and so give out Abyss of the Stars x5 per duplicate summon. However, since further Fate levels are available to a 4★ Knight after being promoted to 5★, each duplicate summon now only gives Abyss of the Stars x2.

Once a Knight reaches Fate Level 7 as 5★, their Fates are already maxed out and so for every subsequent duplicate summon, you will now receive Abyss of the Stars x5.

While it may feel like you are receiving fewer Abyss of the Stars per duplicate summon, please consider that a promoted Knight with higher Fate levels has more potential and usability.

10. Aslan is no longer available, but his strength means that he is still essential in newly introduced content. Are there any plans to bring back the Season 2 Knights of Veda?

Overflowing Power of the Stars is a mechanic that affects performance but is unrelated to Hero upgrades outside of the Overload Charge stat.

To prevent excessive reliance on this mechanic for competitive content, we have restricted its usage there. However, rest assured that we will continue allowing its use on PvE Content.


In addition to answering these questions, we also have an announcement regarding Mythic Promotion:

During our previous Director’s Live Broadcast, we mentioned that Mythic Promotion would be added to the game on the 02/27 Update. However, we have decided to postpone it to the 03/27 Update to align it with the 1st Anniversary update.

Releasing Mythic Promotion just a month after 4★ Promotion might feel overwhelming rather than enjoyable. We wanted to give players enough time to experiment with different hero combinations before introducing another major upgrade.

For the 1st Anniversary Update, in addition to Mythic Promotion, we are preparing White Hell, a 1st Anniversary Special Dungeon, and new Guild content, among other exciting features and events.

We will do our best to meet the expectations of our Masters of the Book.
※ The information stated was provided to help our Masters of the Book understand our upcoming content schedule. More precise details will be given regarding content names and specifics through the patch notes.

Thank you. 

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